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Rooney And Vardy Fiasco

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CrapatCryptics2 | 14:08 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | News
21 Answers

Its long overdue for these two idiots to stop stroking their own oversized egos and get out of court. They must know there is a massive backlog of real cases. Maybe they take it off to Judges Judy or Rinder.



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I afraid some people just can't live without attention no matter what, or how much it costs

what are they doing now?

I agree. Total plonkers both of them.

I thought this was all sorted, wagatha won didn't she?

I think you may like to note that neither Mr Rooney nor Mr Vardy instigated this farce. They would have just had a good punch up to sort their own spat out. It is a female fired farce. 

This case is the natural successor of the previous civil trial.  Whilst Vardy has been ordered to pay Rooney's costs, she is disputing the amount that is due under the detailed assessment procedure.

Some say a fishwives' extravaganza while others laugh at their ignorance of the courts and what it costs.

The husbands will pay, of course.  What a pair of entitled fools.  I would love to see Judge Judy sort them out.

//What a pair of entitled fools//

Surely in this instance it is Ms Vardy only?  The Court approved the payment, she is now questioning it.  

Not sue how Ms Rooney can have much to do with it or perhaps you think she should roll over and accept whatever is offered despite the Court ruling?  Is that what you would do?

YMB, the court will have ordered that the loser pays the winner's costs (or in this case 90% thereof) subject to detailed assessment.  The Court has so far only determined the incidence of costs, this is detailed assessment to determine the amount.

Although costs budgets will have been approved by the Court at an early stage, this is likely to include cost in excess of the budget or not included in the budget.

Mrs Vardy has been asked to stump up £200+ for the mini-bar tab run up by a barrister/solicitor on Wagatha Rooney's legal team.

It is those sorts of items she will, rightly, challenge.

Ironic really - barristers further feathering their nests arguing about earlier feathering levels.

If it wasn't for the fancy dress they could nip to Tesco for a half bottle.

shades of Jarndyce v Jarndyce...

what are they doing now?

there has been  three days set aside in court for this case ( = 2 30k costs) and it is over whether the loser ( Vardy - no no come on, "t hey are both losers" is not modern cuddly AB now) has been ordered to pay cost which are Too Much

The men should say " Ladies you have wasted enough of our money"

shades of Jarndyce v Jarndyce...

erm Hi Dave - J v J was a wills case - which consumed all the  litigants. In the end the definitive will is found but by the then the whole  estate has been eaten by lawyers costs

PP - how's your grandmother getting on with your egg-sucking lessons?

//I think you may like to note that neither Mr Rooney nor Mr Vardy instigated this farce. They would have just had a good punch up to sort their own spat out. It is a female fired farce.//

Which is why teaching in an all boys school was much easier in many ways than a mixed or, the worst, all girls.  Boys would sort things out with a bit of a punch up and then be the best of friends whereas the girls were toxic for years after!

Hi Dave - she can tell an egg from a clegg -  JvJ has no parallel with the Waga case, as I pointed out

so it should be " Nothing like harndyce v Jarndyce xc one was very long and the other er wasnt" - oh  lardy dah

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