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20% Elected Them Now 60% Think They Are Sleazy.......

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ToraToraTora | 12:44 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | News
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Free Gear Keir

the reason labour got such a large majority on such a small fraction of eligible voters is because reform uk split the rightist vote in so many places. if reform does the same thing in 2029 then labour will be comfortably returned to power.

I think you'll find 100% think all politicians are sleazy 😂

Not been the best start has it?

I'm not so sure untitled.  It seems to me that many Labour voters are already sick of this government.  Perhaps their votes wlll go elsewhere next time.

We could turn it on its head and say it was the TINO's (no conservative Party) that stopped Reform (a centre right Party) from getting more votes.

Also in the mix were those Center-right who voted lib Dem and the many that didnt vote.

// that many Labour voters//

Have you been able to find one?

keep voting reform and labour is what you'll get. it's a very stupid reality of our very stupid system

The reason labour got such a large majority on such a small fraction of eligible voters is because the Conservative party split the rightist vote in so many places. They had already proved incapable of dealing with the public's concerns and should have cleared the field for those more likely to do so.

It has to be very doubtful that Labour will get returned next time after this fiasco, and the Conservatives are unlikely to cause amnesia in the public either.

5 years is a very long time... i don't know if labour will win again or not. but if reform uk does the same thing it did in 2024 then labour's victory is all but guaranteed. i wish our system did not work that way... but it does and that is a fact. 

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The tories will know that untitled and they'll do a deal with Reform.

I know it will upset some people to say so but a great many reform and tory voters will be dead in 5 years time. farage is far more attuned to this problem than the tory leadership is... so if reform uk is still around in 5 years then don't be surprised if they are saying very different things than they did in 2024

it depends who they elect tora. jenrick would do it... i don't think badenoch would. 

I'm sure plenty of labour voters will be too, especially when they have frozen to death this winter.

But only things that are certain in life are death and taxes, always happened, always will.

Untitled, 15.53.  That really is a bizarre way to look at life.  Come the next election some of the people who voted for Reform or for anything else will indeed be dead - but in the meantime others mature and leave the socialist idealism of youth behind - just as their forebears did - and so it continues.   Reading your post one could be forgiven for thinking when one generation passes everything stops - or at the very least, changes dramatically.  It doesn't.  

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