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Why Should We Store Tins Of Beans Upside Down?

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sandyRoe | 01:24 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
32 Answers

I saw this mentioned in  newspaper but it didn't say why.



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Is it the same beans that come in little plastic pots?


Bazile, the 'jars are nowadays plastic bottles, and they should be kept upside down so you don't get that spurt all over your chips when you shake the bottle.

That's what I said - bottles 

But the labels on the plastic bottles are the right way up when you store them lid side down, as you're supposed to. If you stand them on their bottoms then the label is the wrong way up.

I always shake tins of beans vigorously before opening them, have done for years. The beans all then slide out easily without having to scrape those stuck at the bottom.

My problem with my Baked Beans is getting the tin open at all.  Such a fight.

Yes, LB, those ring pulls don't really work well do they? I have some tinned salmon which I have to use a tin opener on even though it has a ring pull, it won't budge.

I agree about the ring-pulls.  It's a mess when they break off - but better than some options.

I came home the other night to discover that OH had decided to have the 'emergency in case of snowed in for three days' tinned Frey Bentos steak pie.  He'd been trying for 45 mins.!

Thank goodness he hadn't sliced his wrist - he has blood thinners!!  That's the last of those that we buy - it took me a delicate and yet forceful 5 mins. futher in order to win the fight. :)

Vagus more than once they have made my finger bleed.  I do now have a device that helps IF I can get it started going around the rim which is not easy.

Is putting a screw top on them out of the question?

The two most feared slogans in the modern kitchen :-

.............. Childproof

.............. Labour saving

Bring back the good old ways.

When I make my annual Red Mirabelle jam, I screw on the lids and then invert the jar which creates the vacuum inside.

I don't give a damn - why is it Heinz flavour has really gone off - I much prefer Branstons now - but, ultimately, there's nothing better than homemade ones....

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