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Another State Pension Question

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douglas9401 | 18:40 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Since we're all here anyway, do disability benefits carry on after taking the state pension given that the disability remains?




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Okay, ta, I was going for something more money related though.

Like PIP or DLA.

Sorry douglas, that's the only one I know for certain.

well yeah - as the disability persists as well

( but I suppose it depends- I was on disability and then and told I wd not convert to PIP - and then I did, and got a inspection into the bargain. and then....) It depends on  what the minister decides tomorrow or next week

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Thanks. Minefield innit?

I guess it depends on whether the disability prevents or makes it difficult to get to work or whether it affects you day to day life like requiring care or similar.

Onanists cramp doesnt count by the way. 😁

DLA and PIP, yes

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Cheers Barry.

Carer's allowance stops once the carer claims state pension, though.

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