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Good Morning Tuesday Birds!

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Smowball | 10:10 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

I'm late this morning lol. Had dreadful nights sleep, and when I did finally doze off about 6 ish I had the most bizarre dream. Wouldn't quite call it a nightmare but definitely odd! 
What's everyone plans today? Its my middle sons birthday today so I'm gona ring him soon and see if he liked his present etc.... he lives in Norfolk so I'm hoping to get to see him later on this month. In fact all 4 live in 4 different towns so would be fab to manage to see all 4 on one day but that would be completely impossible : (




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Good morning Smow (I'm only just up too😊).  I grew up in Norfolk (Sheringham) after leaving Dorset at 7 y-o, so know it well. I used to revisit quite often when I could drive. Nothing planned for today although I may finish the lawn which I actually got round to starting yesterday.

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Morning Canary. Well when I got married the first time we moved to Norfolk and lived in a tiny place called Tittleshall. Lived there for a long time.  My middle son now lives in Bircham Newton, my eldest son in March,Cambs, my daughter in Wisbech and Youngsmow right down in Devon! 

Good morning Smow. Going to visit my friend today who is housebound with Parkinson's. I really miss going out with her for coffees and lunches. She now has her daughter, ( an ex nurse) looking after her full time. Still trying to sort out a new phone. It will be my first smart phone, and the more I find the more confused I become!! Any one any ideas for a 72 yr old not tech savvy person?

Morning Smow.

I have a live rat in my kitchen.  It is under the cooker (it is not fully grown yet).  Despite putting a trap out last night, we did not catch the blummin thing.  Princess Stupid (the cat who brought in the rat) is now sitting, waiting, next to the cooker.  I HATE rats.

A nice little tour then Smow  (but all in one day is a little bit ambitious πŸ˜Š).

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Morning Calda. That must be hard - my FIL is 71 & his best friend for over 50 years has been struck down with Motor Neurone disease, and he gets so upset visiting him.

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As for the smart fone - think they're all pretty much on an even par these days unless you're spending a fortune on an ifone. Samsung seem to be pretty good.

Morning all, showery here today. Nothing much happening.

Calda, I have a Samsung and I am definitely not tech savvy. I only use it for basics but it is quite user friendly.

Have a happy day everyone 

Morning! I'm not venturing out...its hammering down. Rain. All. Day. Oh. Joy.

Eeeek! To the rat BM...I'd not be able to sleep knowing one was in my house. shudder 🀯

The boots that didn't arrive on Sunday finally got delivered at 6:30 yesterday. Thankfully they fit. It's worrying when you need to buy things sight unseen. There's limited shops to buy shoes here...even though its a 'city'. 

Oh...and another vote for Samsung phones. Very easy to navigate. Just a mini  tablet. 

i had a rubbish nights sleeptoo, but not asbad as yours smow - i had a mammogram yesterday and the girls were so squished they stillhurt now!

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OMG barmaid, a rat!? My cats have been known to bring  tiny mice in - not to kill but to play with!! But not a rat.....think I'd freak out lol!

my mum (75, not tech savvy) recently got a samsung a 15 with a tesco contract and is happy - she can pop in her local tesco and get help if she needs it

I'm not happy about it, I can tell you.  My only consolation is that unless it drinks, it will die fairly soon.  And it is not going to get across the kitchen to the sink with Princess Stupid sat eyeballing the cooker.

Thank you all for the comments about phones. Will definately have a look at a Samsung. Don't want to go into Currys or somewhere like that, as they bamboozle me. They appear so young and speak in jargon to my ears. Think I have found a local group who help people with tech problems.

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Good Morning Tuesday Birds!

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