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Should I Change Hairdresser?

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abbeylee90 | 15:36 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Shopping & Style
72 Answers

So my hairdresser I currently go to I catch 2 buses as I use to go there when I lived in my old house but I feel bad changing in a way as we are close and I been going to him for so long but he is expensive like £165 for full hea highlights & cut but want root touch up next which is £135 with cut with this other one Im looking at.



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To stop asking silly questions.

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At that price I be heading to the pub instead with my hair looking like Worzel Gummidge or Doc Emmet (Back to the future) Brown's

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-- answer removed --

Well we all know who removed my answer, which did not break any Site Rules! What a joke this site has become and when we all log in to a blank page we will know whose fault it is!

Auntypoll, who's the culprit?  Do tell.

Do you talk like Enid Blyton in real life Naomi, 😂

You will never know, Auntypoll.  So who's the culprit?  

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Auntypoll wasn't me I didn't see your answer 

Abbey unless you are a moderator, like for instance Naomi , you can't remove an answer so I know it wasn't you 😀

Like for instance Naomi and 13 others.... you're beginning to sound paranoid, Auntypoll.

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Should I Change Hairdresser?

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