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P M Qs .... A Month Off .... Usual Result.....

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ToraToraTora | 12:13 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | News
6 Answers

13 mins in It's like a turkey shoot. RS torments the PM with his own rhetoric!

One thing did catch my attention early on. Starmer refuses to confirm employers NI will not rise, I then predict it will rise once the budget comes out later. I also suspect NI will go in pensioners income too.





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Isn't it the pensioners of today that got this country back on its feet after the second world war and gave people including today's MPs the freedom and money they now have.  If this is the case then why are they trying to kill off pensioners in as many ways that they can think of.  Nearly every day I hear of a new thing that the Chancellor is going to do or thinking of...
14:38 Wed 09th Oct 2024
Question Author the Lib Non Dems have chimed in it's a 5C love in on Brino! PMSL!

Free gear Kier wouldnt confirm if he was obvioulsy on fire.

Cant even confirm what a woman is for goodnes sake.

Utterly hopeless the lot of them (except perhaps Wes)

On the Pensions thing it will be interesting to see if Sir 2TK's 'special' pension will be except from any attack.

Bet it is.

Isn't it the pensioners of today that got this country back on its feet after the second world war and gave people including today's MPs the freedom and money they now have.  If this is the case then why are they trying to kill off pensioners in as many ways that they can think of.  Nearly every day I hear of a new thing that the Chancellor is going to do or thinking of doing that impacts the very people that got this country working again us pensioners.  We are told that we are one of the richest countries in the world yet Labour want to take it out on the people that made it that way.

Hear, hear, shedman.  Thank you. A lot of yus remember rationing very well, 'make do & mend' etc..

^^^^^  'us'       grrrrr!

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P M Qs .... A Month Off .... Usual Result.....

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