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pukkapig | 16:09 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | Business & Finance
5 Answers

My mortgage expires next year I have monies remaining ... if I set up a new mortgage and have 80k outstanding if I financially can meet the payment. Is there a min salary a bank would be looking for from me to do that? I know it's is calculated on affordability I currently earn less then 20k per year but don't have any other debts at all.  I know I could get a btl mortgage as the equity is fairly high but I might need to move back in at some point .. any help appreciated... thank you 



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well normally it's a matter of multiples of allowed income. You should be able to find a lender offering 4x20k I'd have thought.

I had a ten year fixed rate deal and when it expired got a new deal from the same provider for less per month.

Might be worth asking your lot.

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Thank you ...If I am self employed does this complicate matters ... probably best to speak to a broker ? 

yes, self employed will complicate things. There are brokers who'll find the right lender.

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Thank you so much for all your help 

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