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Ebay New Layout

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smurfchops | 18:06 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | How it Works
6 Answers

I hate it!  All the items are now in a list on the left hand side of the page.  Why don't they just leave things alone?  There was nothing wrong with the previous layout, at least you could see the items properly. I will never use eBay again.  So there.  



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Phone app, website? It hasn't changed on my Android phone, maybe my app needs updating.


I just today bought some soup bowls from the USA & didn't see a problem

Never much cared for eBay's mobile phone format anyway.

Very tiny change to My Ebay page...but barely noticeable. I had to look twice 😁


I can't see any difference at all on my laptop. I see a difference. I did a specific search and instead of items listed in rows across the page, it's now a single column. I'll see if there is a way to adjust how things are viewed.

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