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1 In Every 100 In Uk Is Illegal !

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Khandro | 13:01 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | News
55 Answers

Why will nobody do anything ? Labour seems even worse than  the Tories were. Only Reform UK seems to be serious about the issue.



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Of course it's about the ME war - that's where many of the refugees are coming from.

Labour is not as bad as the Tories who presided over the record level.

I love how these threads bring out the Xenophobes and their racist ravings - but give it a rest folks, we all now know who you are so stop re-advertising it. And we know you would love to insist these immigrants wear some form of identifier - a yellow star possibly.



Canary, these people are not coming from what you call 'the ME war'.  It seems a fair proportion of Africa is rocking up on our shores - and directly from a safe country.

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n. I may have strayed a bit on my own thread which is about immigration now, but SRs post required some response.

If anyone has 14 minutes to spare, this thought provoking video by Sargon of Akkad, deals with that, and several other issues of the day is well worth your time.

"I think I heard on the wireless the other day that the death rate has outstripped the birth rate.  If this continues our population will shrink."

And a very good thing that would be too, Sandy. There are far too many people in this country.

However, you only read half the story and as Tora says, that won't happen.

In 2023 there were 16,000 more deaths than births. However, net migration was 677,000 meaning the population grew by around 1% - the highest percentage since records began.

This increase (in just one year, remember) is equivalent to the population of Coventry and Bradford combined. And it doesn't include illegal migrants (whom the government may or may not know about). Those they know about are running at about 25,000 so far this year.

There is not a hope in hell of building sufficient accommodation to cater for growth on this scale. But that is just one aspect. Public services (in particular healthcare) are under severe pressure and in places are on the point of breaking or are already broken.

Unless anybody gets a grip on this problem (and whilst illegal immigration is problematic, legal migration presents a far bigger threat) more and more of these services will become unfit for purpose. I have to say, the new government shows no signs of doing so. 

“Isn't it good that these young people, full of get up and go, and hopes to make a better life, have come here?”

It might be if they arrived legally, having obtained a visa and work permit, or whatever is necessary. Those coming in rubber boats arrive via the deceitful use of the asylum system. That system is not designed to enable people to “make a better life” in the destination of their choice. It is designed to provide a temporary safe haven for those in danger. People living in northern France are not in danger. Succour; they simply don’t like it where they are. All they are doing is circumventing he official route to settle in this country by simply declaring that “we’re coming whether you like it or not.” The way they should secure  better life is to employ the great talents and chraceristics that you believe they hold to improve he lot for everybody in their country of origin. All Europe is doing by accommodating them is denying those countries of the people they need most.

“When we are old and in need of care some of these will be the ones providing it”

Again it might be if the particular “get up and go” they have would lead them down that path. For many it would not. That’s why the official route, where they are vetted before being allowed to come here should be the only way they are llowed to settle.

You do seem to have a rather idealistic view of a cohort whose first action when in reach of these shores is to break our laws by arriving from a safe place without leave to do so. Either that or you are a wind-up merchant.



My posts are sincere in topics like this.

I'll say no more on this thread, not wanting to derail it.

"The fact that people of the Jewish race are among, if not the, most intelligent race on Earth."

the Site Rules forbid posts which discriminate on racial grounds. 

I said sink the dinghies at sea & post troops with guns on the beaches some years ago on here. I stand by that...

Shooting unarmed children - how nasty.

16.38 Just as Hamas did on October 7th 2023.

Just seen a clip of "300 Spartans" on TV - there was a speech about being overrun by Asians (Persians). Nothing new it seems.

“And we know you would love to insist these immigrants wear some form of identifier - a yellow star possibly.”

I wouldn’t. I’d much rather they were not here at all.

“I love how these threads bring out the Xenophobes and their racist ravings”

I have identified a number of problems (though there are many more besides) that this country faces which are being exacerbated by enormous numbers of people arriving here, both legally and illegally. I have concerns about those problems; they will get worse because the country simply does not have the resources or the ability to cope with such large numbers without the standard of living for those already here declining seriously.

That makes me neither xenophobic nor racist. The tactic of dismissing people with my concerns as such is the same tactic which was employed before Brexit – labelling people with opposing opinion as racists, xenophobes, “Little Englanders” or worse.  Sensible discussion needs to be heard and not dismissed with insults.

“Of course it's about the ME war – “

Of course it’s not. The (latest) ME war has been ongoing for just one year. The problem of large scale illegal migration and asylum claims has been going on for decades.  Claims hit more than 70,000 in each of the two years either side of the millennium, with 83,000 claims in 2002. After a quieter period in the 2010s they are now approaching those levels again.

"...that's where many of the refugees are coming from."

No I isn’t:

"In 2023, 41% were nationals of Asian countries, with the largest individual Asian nationalities being Afghan, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Vietnamese. The next largest regional groupings of nationalities were African (21%), Middle Eastern (19%) and European (13%). The largest individual nationalities among those who applied in 2023 were Afghan (7,800), Iranian (6,200), Indian (4,800), Pakistani (4,300), and Bangladeshi (3,900).

None of those countries were involved in the ME war in 2023; in fact as far as I can recall, none were at war at all. But even if they were, the overwhelming majority of asylum seekers are fit young men. If they cannot deal with war, how do they expect their older and less fit friends and relatives or the children to do so? I suppose you deem it aacceptable for them to *** off because they can, leaving those who cannot behind to (literally in some csaes) face the flak.

Whether they’re at war or not, their home countries are where they are needed, sorting out the problems there, not here washing cars or delivering burgers on scooters to people too lazy to cater for themselves. There is simply no argument for such people to be allowed to settle here. 

4pm - oh dear; you must be licking your wounds having been comprehensively demolished NJ.

sandyRoe 14:32,if these yong people coming here illegally how come their own countries are ***?

^^         ^^


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//“And we know you would love to insist these immigrants wear some form of identifier - a yellow star possibly.”//

Sod the yellow star. If it was a requirement for everyone in the UK to carry an identity card*, it would make it so much easier to detect just who these illegals are.

*This is a legal requirement in most civilized countries.          As a domicile in a EU country I carry an extra credit card sized one in my wallet all the time I'm out, & have not the slightest problem with doing so.

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