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Convert Pdf To Word Document For Free?

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Karamia | 14:03 Thu 25th May 2023 | Technology
12 Answers
Is it possible to do this anywhere online for free?
Is it an easy process?


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contol P - - for print
and select from the choices, convert to pdf
Once you have selected 'PDF' as your format, save it in your file of choice, and it's there as a PDF.
Question Author
I need it as word document so that I can add text.
You can save it in both formats.

Once your additions are complete, save it again as a PDF.
The OP wants to convert FROM PDF to Word, not the other way round.
Oops, you're quite right.

I should avoid leaping in because I get giddy and think I know something, and leave it to people who do!
I use

Free and easy for me.
Assuming you have an up to date version of Word e.g. M365 then just open the PDF with Word.

Note: You may loose some of the formatting, but it usually does a pretty good job.

You can then save in the format of your choice.

I just tried this and it seemed to work fine.
Question Author
Thank you Jim for your comment. I was getting confused.
Question Author
Thank you for all the suggestions. Son currently using laptop but will try ideas and hopefully learn a new skill.

Good question. This can be done using various online editors, of which there are many nowadays. Personally, I use PDF Guru because it supports a large number of formats for conversion, but unfortunately, it’s not free. It just has many other features I need for work, plus it's easy to fill out tax forms, which is why I chose it a long time ago.

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Convert Pdf To Word Document For Free?

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