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Good Morning Thursday Birds

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Smowball | 10:17 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Morning guys, no change with me  unfortunately so nothing new to report apart from im still dosed up with pain relief xx

Have just been reading the latest on Hurricane Milton. It's reading as though the latest says it was downgraded from a Cat 5 right down to a Cat 1 - is that right? If so then hopefully the predicted devastation will be nowhere as bad as predicted. Either way it's not good for them - we look at our weather reports and get in a tizz over a bit of wind and rain which would make most people laugh.

Will see what my daft 2 cats get up to today - went to the bathroom yesterday to find Molly fast asleep, in the empty bath!! Of all the places honestly! Hardly comfy is it lol x



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Morning smow, you've made me chuckle this morning,  Cat asleep in an empty bath?  I doubt you'll ever find her asleep in a full bath.   :o)))

Good morning Smow. Sunny day here, going for my flu jab later. I have had all the covid jabs and the others that the doctor has advised, but one result is that my sense of taste has almost gone. I remember posting about this before, and Sqd said it was the covid injection. Does it ever come back?

Calda, Mr BM has his flu and covid jab at the weekend and has lost his sense of taste again.  He can't taste salt!  It does come back for him but it will be a couple of weeks.

Smow, with 2 cats around your life will never be dull.  I found one of mine asleep in the downstairs loo sink the other day (clearly exhausted after having murdered yet another loo roll).  No idea why she does that, but she can turn a bathroom into a pretty snow globe in a nano second.  We have taken to keeping the loo rolls in a lidded basket, but now she has worked out how to open the lid.  Trouble is, this is a very old house and not all of the doors latch properly and it is easy to miss when she has an "opportunity".

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lol, our two cats are obsessed with water! Every single morning, without fail, they wait outside the bathroom until MrSmoa has had his shower, then as soon as he has got out they jump in the wet bath and roll around. I then have to put the cold tap on a slow trickle whilst they sit and drink from it and scoop the water into their paws. It's just hilarious to watch,

ASBO used to do that with the sink.  I was once told by a vet that it is because cats do not like the taste of our tap water when it is standing since they can taste the impurities in it, but they can't so much when it is running.  Thankfully, my two do not have that obsession and they drink ordinary tap water - although I cannot go to the bathroom unaccompanied.  With my old girl, Cuddles, I used to give her spring water since it is the only thing she would drink.  (I know, stupid me).

Morning all. I am sorry you are still suffering Smow, is there anything else the medics can do to help you.

BM what happened with your rat the other day?

Florida is really going through it at the moment. We have been to the area south of Tampa several times, its lovely, small town America, a bit Golden Girls ish. I feel so sorry for them

Rosetta, we have no idea.  We have set traps and it has not been caught, so can only assume it is still in the house somewhere, and do not know if it is dead or alive (the lack of smell and flies would indicate that decomposition has not started yet).  I have had the cooker on a couple of nights and so I imagine it has got quite toasty, if it is still under there.

I think I am going to sprinkle some flour on the kitchen floor last thing tonight so I shall be able to see if it is coming out.

It would give me the heebie jeebies at the thought of a rat in the house. When we had our old cat, she would sometimes bring in a mousey plaything and we had a family of mice move in at the start of one winter, but rats are horrible

I have a niece in Tampa. My brother told me she lost all her furniture and had 2 feet of water with Helene 2 weeks ago. He sent me a photo of their car immersed up to the window in water. 

She evacuated the other day. My SIL has family in Orlando...I think they stayed but had to protect their property. 

My Toby will drink the water I've used for my indoor plants. I stick them in a bowl, water, remove...he drinks... weird cat!

Unfortunately, Rosetta, rats are a bit of an occupational hazard round here.  My small dainty cat is a killer and despatches them very quickly, my large chump of a cat (sisters from the same litter), brings them home for me and sounds SO VERY pleased with herself when she brings me a gift that is alive and kicking.  She then deposits them at my feet and they disappear under the kitchen units.  It is mainly mice we get, but just lately, they have progressed to juvenile rats.  Mr BM despatched one on the lawn the other day which she was just about to bring into the house.  The one under the cooker may not be alive because I did clout it with the kitchen broom before it disappeared.

Pasta - I hope your family remain safe.  I have seen some pictures of utter devastation out there.  It must be terrifying and heart-breaking.

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