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How's Your Day Going?

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curlyfries81 | 13:35 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Mine just isn't.

I bring my own bottle of water to work every day and I'm already on the 3pm level. I wish it was 3pm in real time and only half-1 in my bottle.


How's your day going?



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i am currently having an extension built.

it is already driving me mad!

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Oh dear, I don't envy you, but I'm sure it'll look lovely when you've finished.

I keep getting distracted from what I ought to be doing - I'm just not concentrating very well today.  I shall probably put that job to one side and do something else for a bit, that sometimes works.  

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Same here, mucho distraction today. It doesn't take much to distract me when my heart's not in it.

Oh I get that!  It doesn't help that I am on my laptop and my distraction (some family history research) is also on my laptop.  It is TOO easy to flick onto one of my research sites and just have a quick look at something.

Well, I was losing a fight with my little dog to get a waterproof coat on him for his walker as she had requested.  She wanted the one that goes underneath his body to keep it dry then zips all the way up his back.  Ideally you would lie it flat and place a leg in each hole but oh No he's not having that.  He's not having it on at all:-(

God bless the Waitrose man who arrived with my groceries, took one look at me and mutt and said please let me do that for you.  He has a dog that does the same thing he said, so he's used to it.  

Wasn't that a kind thing to do I reckon.

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