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Well, they finally figured out what is obvious to anyone with any sense.

...I thought the boxing assocs already said he can't box with the women but the IOC ignored that and let him box women.

Hallelujah! I hope this is true.

Why are they still calling him 'she' and 'her'?  

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The Algerians made monkeys of the IOC and the 'captured' folks at the top of the tree let them do it.

It was shameful and never again should any man be applauded for getting in the boxing ring and punching women.


I really hope this is true. But I can't find any reports anywhere else. But I have found this:




"The Algerians made monkeys of the IOC and the 'captured' folks at the top of the tree let them do it." Sure but really they just took advantage of the collective common sense denial that seems to be sweeping society at the moment.

It's a shame it took so long.

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Olympic Boxing Controversy Update

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