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Do Adverts Actually Work?

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renegadefm | 20:49 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | Adverts
34 Answers

I was wondering does Adverts actually sell the product they are trying to sell?


I can honestly say hand on heart, I don't think I have ever bought something I have seen on the tele. I'm more likely to try something if I see it in a shop. 

I tend to shut off when Ads are on as they are quite intrusive and get in the way of what I or we we're already glued to watching. So by the time they roll out the Ads I've already shut off. 


I understand they contribute towards the programmes I watch, but in some cases the Ads come on every 10 minutes. 

Of course it depends on the channel. Parter likes watching the Ghost stuff on Really or DMAX, but she gets annoyed that the Ads are every 10 to 12 minutes. 


Surely there should be tighter regulations on this if it ruins your viewing pleasure. 


But back to my original question, do we really purchase something based on the Ads? 



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The Ads are when I make a cup of tea, or pour a glass of wine, or let the dog out into the garden, or go to the bathroom, or have a look in the fridge to see if there is anything I fancy.  The most important thing though is I have a quick look on AB.

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From what I have observed the regulations are stipulated a lot less than say ITV.

The channel DMAX for example seems to cut for Ads every 10 minutes or so, resulting in what you tuned into a much shorter program if you edited out the Ads. 

Which brings me nicely onto your other comment. 

I used to record shows purely to enable me to fast forward through the Ads, but I use a BT TV box, and they have clamped down on being able to fast forward through the Ads, so if you try this, it flags up a message telling me I am not allowed to fast forward on this channel, but its slowly spreading apon more and more channels each time I do this. 

So it seems we are stuck with Ads no matter what. 

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This is the mistake I make countless times, I will kill time during Ads and do something else like go on my computer or something, and lose track of time and miss the rest of what I was watching. 

I will do anything rather than sit Ads, because most of them we have seen thousands of times anyway, well actually tell a lie, I don't because thats when I shut off my mind or do something else. 

The adverts I don't understand are the perfume ones, why are they so weird?

"I never fall for advertising, I just drink Guinness because it's good for me"

At work, Pre-internet we would need every member of the company to jump on the phones when the TV was rolling. 

Please don't confuse not watching the ads with not seeing the ads. You might well go and make a brew whilst the adverts are on TV but if you watch any sport the players are plastgered with adverts, walk around town and see buses/posters with adverts on. The names of manufacturers are thrust into your face every time you stir just to get the names familiar to you. I would never buy from Curry's is another matter; I would never buy another Vauxhall because I've had a bad experience with them; what we're talking about is a neutral situation where you have no prejudiced ideas and then a familiar name makes you feel comfortable.

I'm sure advertising does work, selling useless unwanted tat to the gullible. 

As pointed out above by renegadefm 22.23

I once had  something  taped, using the counter on the machine figured that there was only 38 mins out of the hour that was the programme. And we also tape everything and skip the ads, in fact it's annoying if we've missed something and go back to catch-up where you can't skip ads.

I nearly understood what you said😏

Renegade, the rules are different for private channels such as Really and DMax. They are still regulated by Ofgem but are allowed more advertising time per hour than public channels (ITV, C4, C5, S4C)

It's advertising that drives the children's 'pester power'.

I refuse to watch ads because it very much bothers me that I can remember the TV adverts from the mid 50s to the mid 80s better than any TV programme of that time.

I wish FAIRY FLASH & LENOR would disappear up their own anuses!😈

Do Adverts Actually Work? They obviously do, because companies spend so much money paying for them.

If you have product to sell, you market it and know what your sales are. Then advertise it and if the sales increase and bring in more revenue than the cost of the advertising you continue and increase the advertising. That's business.

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