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Ovary Ultrasound

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JinnyJoan | 15:25 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
16 Answers

Received a letter to say that they couldn't get a view of the ovary (received this by GP) so more gynaecologists test will be done at the hospital.

Me I want to know what these tests consister of - thanks you



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Who knows?  Possibly that wand you are dreading, maybe x-rays.

Could be a hystoscopy, which is an internal scan. I had mine under general anaesthetic

Might be a laparoscopy, my wife says that is nothing to worry about

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jeepers - do none of you know the answers - then again you are dead men walking if you got one up your penises    LOL

Could be an MRI, CT scan. We are not mind readers.

I've already told you that I have had a camera up my penis. I also reminded you that is very unnatural whereas inserting objects in to that part of a woman isn't 

Jinny, there are so many tests that it is impossible for us to say which one you need. Best to ring or visit the surgery and speak to whoever will make the appointment for you

Several options here JJ, which is probably the best you can hope for from this source. 

Good luck, whichever it is.

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i have an mri - so that's out

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^^^^^ sorry ultrasound

This is from the NHS site:

Sometimes ovaries are too small to show up on a scan, especially after the menopause.

Other tests you may have include:

a CT scan

removing a small sample of cells or fluid from your ovaries (needle biopsy)

looking at your ovaries using a camera on the end of a tube through a small cut in your tummy (laparoscopy)

surgery to remove tissue or possibly your ovaries (laparotomy)

We can only guess. Wait for the hospital appointment to come through and then phone that department and ask them what the plan is.

this is a very specialised area- so they will do it in the radiology dept ( by a radiologist) - and THEY of course may show you the scan but not translate it


if they cant get a view  os the ovary - then it cant be large. so I wd stop worrying over what they may find....

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yes pp - but they were worried in the beginning the feet and ankles swelling but since they have taken off me the bloood pressures pills - they're not too bad.  But they are worried about the belly - a little too swelled for my likeing.  Maybe they put too much jelly on the belly    LOL

oh they have a few things to chase - - - and those will be dictated by what they find in the ovary exam




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