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Nigel Farage Lying – Who’d Have Thought?

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Hymie | 21:26 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Society & Culture
39 Answers

We are fast approaching the USA state of politics, where politicians can say what they like and their cult following will believe them (even when it is pointed out that they are lying).


The fool Farage needs to be reminded that he will lie at the drop of a hat every time he appears on TV, telling more lies.





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his constituents can't even reach his office by phone or e-mail. he doesn't care about them and he's not interested in representing them. he's interested in himself. 

But porkies on here from the usual!

Yet another example of his stochastic terrorism ...

A House of Commons spokesperson said 'The Parliamentary Security Department, working closely with the police,  offers all MPs a range of security measures for those with offices or surgeries in their constituencies... we do not comment on individual MPs security arrangements or advice ...'


From the Independent 20 hours ago.


Lefties spreading fake news again?  I am all astonishment.

Whether the Press Association (PA) had been given information from the security advisors at the Houses of Parliament or no, Farage did not dispute the claim made by the PA, did he?

If he had been given the advice as he claimed, surely he would have been able to provide evidence to substantiate it?

Apart from security advice being confidential, why would he bother?  He knows that regardless of what he says the flack will keep coming so he very sensibly takes it for what it is - vindictive nonsense.

Or he could be a liar.

If he provided undeniable proof .... you'd still call him a liar, wouldn't you !

   ...   Says the self appointed narrative gatekeeper. 

Not you Curly.

See my post at 15.22.  All MPs with a constituency office are given advice but no comment is made on individual members.  Therefore he was given advice and the advisors didn't comment.

How very strange it took 5 attempts to post that and for a while the answerbox was closed. Wait for the excuses  ... another error etc. etc. etc. Meehh. 

Phew, I can't shake the feeling though that I've ruffled someone's feathers in the last week or so. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I had the same problem, Togo - tried twice to post and whoosh!  My posts disappeared.  I think I might have closed the thread by accident.  So easy on a phone.  I've re-opened it anyway.

That is why I wrote, "Whether the Press Association (PA) had been given information from the security advisors at the Houses of Parliament or no...".

He could easily have said he had asked for and received advice and that he would provide copies of that advice in due course.

Why would he prefer that some think him to have not telt the truth rather than provide evidence to support his claim?


After the witch hunts he's been exposed to I don't think he cares much about people who continue in that vein - and I can't say I blame him.  They're just not worth the effort.

After the witch hunts he's been exposed to 

witch hunt - o you mean the decision which lie do I tell today

as Trump or Boris might quip: indeed hard hard, decisions face us

Do they lie, or is it they're economical with the truth?

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