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Good Morning Saturday Birds…..

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Smowball | 09:10 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Very dark and grey here - and chilly! Definitely a day for curling up indoors if you can,with the tv on or a good book. I've got the in-laws popping over about 1pm for a cuppa and to pick something up that I ordered for her which is now here. I did offer to post it, but she insisted on coming to pick it up - think they just wanted to pop over anyway lol, which is fine as I miss them loads. This will be their 1st winter in the new home so gona be interesting to see how they find it when it's dark v early and the evenings are long.

Whats everyone else up to? Any visitors/trips out/ shopping? Oh I just remembered - Ive got my Autumn door wreaths arriving this morning. Basically a front door wreath that's full of autumn colours, leaves, pine cones etc.... to give a bit of colour to front of house inbetween the summer hanging baskets and the December festive door wreaths. They look really pretty actually.



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Good morning. Big fiesta here so not much to do

 My 80th Birthday also. Sis arrived to a hotel last night so will go to visit. 

Good morning to all,  feliz cumpleaños netibiza and also Fiesta Nacional de España to you.  Think that's Happy Birthday and happy Spain day.

Correct theshedman and gracias 

Morning Smow.

Happy Birthday, Neti.

And in other news - the rat is no more.  'e has ceased to be.  He has expired and gone to meet his maker.  'e's a stiff.  Bereft of life e rests in peace....  'e has shuffled off is mortal coil and run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible.  'e is an ex rat.  (With apologies to Monty Python).

Mr BM's trap did for him.

Morning all, its raining again here. I have had to re-arrange a Sainsbury delivery for today as their website messed up my original order, I am hoping its got over its sulks for future orders.

Did you manage to get any progress with your pain management appointment Smow?

I hope BM posts later, I want the next installment of the rat lol

Have a happy day everyone. enjoy your MIL's  visit, it sounds  like you have a great relationship

Sorry BM, I am a slow typer and you weren't there when I started. Are you having a burial service for the departed rodent?

No, Rosetta.  He's gone in the wheelie bin, so no grave for me to dance on.

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Rosetta - yes I got a message lastnight to log onto NHS all re Pain Management Clinic. So I did - says min waiting time is 187 days, and that they have no appointments anyway!!! So I replied saying and what do you suggest I do then!??

Happy birthday Nebitiza! Have a great day!

BM - so you finally got it! At last lol!(unless he has a brother hiding!!)

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Good Morning Saturday Birds…..

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