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Pruning Roses

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Vagus | 15:58 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | Home & Garden
5 Answers

Best time to prune them? Many need deadheading, and there are only a very few actual flowers on any of them, perhaps six in all. Is it too early, or can I do them now to tidy them all up? We have about 15 rose bushes and they've done really well this year despite the rain..or maybe because of it 🤷‍♀️



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I'm thinking  about doing mine now - it rather depends on if frost is forecast - we had quite a deep one the other morning.  Been pouring with rain today, so I'm thinking about tomorow.

I need to cut back the lavendar bushes as well - but they still have a few flower spikes for bees.

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Why does frost matter when pruning roses?

Best prune late winter or spring. You deadhead all through summer. If you cut healthy growing stems now it may reduce the number of blooms next year.

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I've deadheaded all summer, it's just the last couple of weeks while we've been away that I haven't, and I'm wondering if it's actually worth it now, with pruning looming.

Have to say, greenfly, black spot and other rose problems haven't been much of a problem this year, due to all the rain maybe? They were covered in black spot last year to an awful degree, and I was forever spraying for greenfly and whitefly, but this year was so much better,,barely seen a green or whitefly.



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Pruning Roses

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