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Listener No.4837 Ott By [Tba]

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emcee | 12:04 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Excellent, tough puzzle with some added humour.

Happy to report I'm not at THAT stage yet.

Thanks, [tba]



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Yes, this was fun, I agree. The theme fell fairly quickly, but it took some coaxing to get to the final solution. I couldn't locate one of the extra wordplay letters, but I now see it's an optional one. I'm not sure who to thank for this. I was expecting it to be revealed in the puzzle, but maybe I've missed something.

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Same here, Hawk Crossword; I was expecting [tba] to become apparent.

Quite a struggle even though I spotted the theme very quickly. Not helped by having a couple of wrong answers, which fitted the definition but which I could not parse, should have known better.

Enjoyed the humorous touch, thanks tba.

Some of us have skin in the game but were not offended.

My immediate assumption was that we would have to deduce the setter's identity.

Thanks, [tba].

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Listener No.4837 Ott By [Tba]

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