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Does Anyone Know How To Bring A Chat Window Up To Amazon ?

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Old_Geezer | 19:10 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | Shopping & Style
11 Answers

Came back to find an Amazon Prime zip container containing two parcels, different addresses, neither of which was for anyone in the road, left outside on the pavement.


I thought I'd tell them they need to collect it before it is nicked, but either I am missing the link of the site where one contacts them, or they are too (&$¥£^€/$ stupid to provide one.


Their loss, but one can't even be a good "Samaritan" these days, it seems.



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I have used "Amazon customer service" in the past, but can't remember if it is still on their website

Can give you a phone number or two




021436985 Ireland

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Thanks for the phone numbers but I've no intention of phoning. It's their problem, not mine. Chat is the most I'm willing to do.


Thanks for the link but even after the faff of logging in all it does it take me to the search for help in their database nonsense. Been there, all it ever does is produce more pages of inappropriate help suggestions for issues I don't have.

It could be a scam.

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Ah, problem must have solved itself.

Either a) whoever forgot it has come back and claimed it, or b) someone has swiped it and got two free gifts from Amazon.


Thanks again all.

Unfortunately, unless you are contacting them about an order, getting in touch with them is the devil's own job.

We routinely have parcels delivered to us for converted farm buildings and the old farm cottages - our address is Barmaid Farmhouse and then there is Barmaid Farm Barns, Barmaid Farm Cottages, Barmaid Farm Stable Court.  I had a massive row with a driver one day since he insisted that "his app" was telling him it was the correct address and he started walking round our garden.  He was extremely rude and would not listen to my directions.  Of course, I tried to complain to Amazon and no can do.  

Anyway, you didn't need to here my rant, but it seems that unless you are contacting them about a particular order it is nearly impossible.

Enjoy the lingerie and sex toys.............

What is a zip container?

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Does Anyone Know How To Bring A Chat Window Up To Amazon ?

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