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Suella Labelled A Fascist!! & Cancelled.

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Khandro | 09:23 Mon 14th Oct 2024 | News
6 Answers

To mix my metaphors; is Cambridge University now a hotbed of snowflakes?



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Just students being students and rebelling against anything you have to offer. The uni needs to take a strong stance against anything way over the top though, it reflects on the establishment.


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OG; //The uni needs to take a strong stance against anything way over the top though, it reflects on the establishment.//

I agree, but the case is that the establishment can be rotten at the top itself. I Have no knowledge of the present vice-chancellor, but the previous one, a man called Stephen Toope, was an arch 'woke' himself. 

 I had occasion to write to him complaining about how Jordan Peterson had similarly been no-platformed, but he seemed to be quite untroubled about that.

Toope has now returned to Canada & they are welcome to have him there. 

A hotbed of snowflakes is impossible.

Students have always had causes.

Students are all lefties till they get assets. Then they make Ghengis Khan look like a pacifist in a fight over a torn fiver (Del boy)

//Just students being students and rebelling against anything you have to offer//


ell yes and no.  In the past theose who disagreed would debate the topic not simply 'cance' the opposition.

It is the Universties fault though, they should stand up to it.  They want to be careful since much of the cash in comes from countries that dont approve of 'woke'.  Although on the other hand they are alos totaliatarian countries!

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