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More Two Tier Policing.......?

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ToraToraTora | 11:27 Mon 14th Oct 2024 | News
7 Answers

So the job of the police is now to lock up anyone who slightly offends Islam. Right oh!



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Taking the report at face value it seems the police mistook the abuser and victim, and got them the wrong way around. Which seems standard from them these days (although admittedly it will be the screw-ups that get the publicity).

We all know it is about, plenty of examples.

Sharia law soon to be iplmented via the bak door no soubt to please Lord Ali.

Bit early for hitting the optics.

Yes it is, hence why I havnt.

Just a dodgy double keyboard, got it.

Bought a new Latitude and the keys are slightly different to the last.

Plus I pop in and out depending on workload so sometimes have to go fast.

Ah, multi taliskering. 

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