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Hair Help!

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shivvy | 22:42 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
16 Answers

My hair is very fine and despite regular trims it always lacks body and is very flyaway/frizzy/straggly.

I have had keratin hair treatments a few times to try and control it but although it stops it being flyaway, it makes it very flat.

I have tried using straighteners which can take away the frizz but it just lies flat again.

I bought a Tymo Rovy to add body via waves but it ends up frizzy again rather than holding the wave.

I would love to find a product that somehow makes the hair thicker or stronger or stick together better if that makes sense?!

Please help!!



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Have you tried any of these?;searchTerm=aussie%20conditioner


Revlon Unique One hair treatment. Grandaughter uses on her very long frizz wavey hair

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ladybirder - thanks but that link isn't opening anything for me.

calmck - that sounds too good to be true - so thank you very much, i will be trying it!!


Try this link, it will take you to Ladybirder's link (I hope)

It doesn't work - Aussie shampoo and conditioner.  It is good stuff and not too expensive.

Do you take medication? I was surprised how some medicines can make your hair fall out more than normal and change the texture of it. Does your hairdresser have any suggestions?

My hair too is very flyaway, in fact it flewaway years ago.

I just don't understand you ladies who continually bombard your hair with snake oil remedies, no wonder it ends up in a poor state.  Leave it natural for goodness sake, it looks fine.

it looks fine

that's the trouble, Canary - too fine. And fine hair that goes all over the place isn't really a fine thing.

I've heard of Biotin tablets helping but I don't know if they work.

Argan oil is great for dry hair & when you've rubbed it into your hair your hands feel sooooo soft ! User Recommendationref=sr_1_6?crid=264OW8K9NXBA7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.j9GE1G7ccfM8rX0SrcbwJm52l-_0NQIPuCzKWWk8ix4Boi0bP6gn0sJMa9459dI

This one I can personally recommend.;sca_esv=33073fab614d76a8&source=hp&ei=57oMZ9iUD5KK9u8PsI6mmQk&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZwzI95RGjlc10M_Bap62V_ssa0cNXEse&oq=arga

Outside the box, to state the obvious, you could give up and invest in some decent wigs.

Great conditioners like the Aussie range ( and plenty of other brands) are not going to help give you volume. Argan oil is excellent but that will make it smooth, shiny and even flatter. You need a volumising shampoo and then use a volumising/thickening mousse on wet hair before drying it. Scrunch drying will help.

I agree with Prudie. Thickening products. Try it and let us know. Good luck with what ever you try. 😀

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Thanks for the links to the Aussie products Ladybirder and wolf - I'll have a look at that range and certainly cheap enough to give them a try.

Barsel - hairdresser suggested testing thyroid but it was within normal range.

jno - I'll look into Biotin and thanks for understanding and not blaming me for having hair like this, which is something that canary42 clearly felt was appropriate to do.

Khandro - I have tried a couple of argan oil products but as Prudie says, although it reduces frizz, my hair is too fine so unfortunately it flattens it and makes it really limp.

Patsy33 and Prudie, I'm getting reasonable results for body by using volumising products and blowing dry.  Its the dry/flyaway problem that I can't manage at the same time!

If you try the Revlon product, let us know. It looks very promising. I've put it on my wishlist. 

Don't bother with this ...;gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA-AdmwTYFCRl8SKf1XxiGwEAAendV&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3-zQsYeOiQMVvJJQBh2LIy_SEAQYASABEgJS0fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

it does last a long time, I tried the shampoo and conditioner, but my hair is still very fine and fly away.  

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