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Good Morning Tuesday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:41 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Well at this very moment (8.30am) we have the Water Board here fitting a new water meter - again!! Too long a story for this thread but basically due to a bizarre  installation/ design flaw which I do not understand our water meter only reads downstairs in our house, so it  does not register anything upstairs ie. any baths, showers, or upstairs toilet. We know this,  but they don't lol. Anyway,prev meter started to leak so they removed it - and never fitted a new one!! (Even tho I chased them constantly). So they estimated our bill as - £10 per month! Which we have been paying for 18 months. Now they have finally turned up to fit a brand new meter, which still won't read upstairs water supply lol..... maybe I shud move the dishwasher and washing machine into the bathroom!! LOL.

What are we all up to then??



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Morning, Smow.  This year my water supply informed me they were increasing my DDs by 25%.  I never bother looking at my water bills but found they hadn't read my meter for three years. 

I insisted they did, got a refund and a 25% reduction in my water bill. What's the point in having a water meter if they estimate my bills? 

Not a bad idea, turn the bathroom into a utility with a shower.  Wonder how long it would take them to realise your bills were too low to be true.

Decided not to to work like a trojan again today, getting too old for this.  Mr U had decided he needs to get ladder up on balcony and clear the gutter, so will be footing the ladder.

Previous owner popped round yesterday to collect his post giving us opportunity to ask a few questions and demonstrated how to get the gas fire going. It wasn't as simple as we thought.  He seems to be regretting his decision to move, the state his vendor left the place in was deplorable.

Thankfully my window cleaner only charges me £15 to clean out my gutters.  He does a good job of it, too.  

My gas fire works in the same way as the toilet cistern that was in the house I grew up in.  Pull so far, count to 10, then yank

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Morning Barry/ubasses..... well I don't know how they haven't realised about the flaw in our water supply yet but they haven't lol. And if and when they do they can hardly backdate it as it would be a sheer guess!  (Maybe they just think we never wash!! lol)

ubasses - do you know why your prev owner decided to move in the first place?


He likes doing things up, according to Estate Agent, he buys a place, extends and improves then moves on after a few years. He was here for 6 years.

They have gone quite rural, which he isn't finding as quiet as he thought, having come from a small village we could have told him that farm vehicles are quite noisy and certain times of the year they are all moving around at the same time.

But I think it was the cleanliness of the place and the rubbish they left that has put them off, especially with 2 little ones.


Morning all. We don't have a water meter here but the electric company keep pestering us to get a smart meter. I constantly remind them it wouldn't work as there is no mobile phone signal here in our village, many companies can't grasp that there are some areas that aren't  covered.

Its grey and drizzley here and the dog has just returned from his walk, no doubt we will have wet dog smell for an hour or two.

Have a happy day everyone. Our cleaning lady visits this afternoon so must do a bit of tidying up first

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Rosetta - you're not meant to tidy up BEFORE the cleaning lady arrives lol. 

lol, I know, but can't have her thinking we live in a tip, even though we do 

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Mind you, It's probably something I would do (clean up before she arrived lol) : )

Good afternoon all. Out early this am to have my car cleaned and valetted, thankfully not a rain cloud in sight. It certainly looks a lot shinier.

I have a smart meter for the gas and electricity, but the water meter is in a cupboard by the sink - I couldn't get down to read it if I wanted!! Severn Trent a man round to read it, as I am some kind of list as vulnerable.

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Good Morning Tuesday Birds!

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