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How Do You Know When To Get A Tetanus For A Dog Scratch?

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bluefortress | 11:43 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

Call me stupid but how do you know when to get further medical advice/ a tetanus for things like dog scratches?

My dog scratched my foot - he is only a terrier but very heavy handed- it was through my sock, a think 3cm line, the skin bled slightly : D

In the era of 'everything is bad for you' Im not sure what the general advice is these days. In the 90's you would just put your sock back on and go about your day  



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Personally I would never get a tetnus for a dog scratch - but thats just me (if I went to the drs everytime one of my animals scratched me I would never be out of there)

I would wash it, dry and maybe put a bit of germolene on it and watch it.  Any sign of infection then I would consider it.

My dogs' claws have drawn blood at times.  It wouldn't occur to me to get a tetanus injection.

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Thanks ^ I agree you cant go running to hospital cause of every scratch

This may give you one guidance;ve%20been%20partly,%2Din%2D1%20teenage%20booster.



Advice from the NHS,

"Ask for an urgent GP appointment or get help from NHS 111 if:

You have a wound, such as a bite, burn or scratch and:

you've not been fully vaccinated against tetanus (or you’re not sure if you have)

you've tried to clean the wound but there's still dirt or soil in it

the wound is hot or swollen (it may also be painful, red or darker than the surrounding skin)

you have a high temperature, or you feel hot and shivery

You can call 111 or get help from 111 online.

Although tetanus is rare, it’s important to get a wound checked if it could become infected."

I read elsewhere the tetnus jag covers you for ten year so if you're concerned about this or future incidents 'phone 111 for advice.

Having said that, one of my sister's dogs had a habit of running from the garden, through the open door and leaping at me when she seen me.

I was often wearing shorts and would leave with long scratches and sometimes blood on my legs but a good clean with Dettol did the trick.

if i had health anxiety (as you seem to) i would probably keep my tetanus jabs up to date

you can book a tetanus jab at most pharmacies... you needn't rush to a hospital or GP

it only takes a small amount of soil in a wound to result in tetanus infection... if your dogs claws were clean then it's probably fine but if they got soil in the wound then the price of a jab now might save you some very nasty unpleasantness later on

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