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E Mails

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dicmor | 16:38 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | Technology
7 Answers

I am munable to accept e mails. I KNOW emails are sent to me but they do not appear in anyof my e mail boxes. Any advice on what I can do please?




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Have you ever received emails at this email address?

Who is your email provider?

How do you know they are being sent?

Sorry for the questions, but it helps to make sure the answers are relevant

Are you using a particular e-mail client ?

Or do you check them on the e-mail provider's server ?

Question Author

Thanks Barry. I know e mails are sent from family, I have also sent emails myself to test but they do not come through


Question Author

thankjs old geyzer . I do not know. I am in my eighties and not very good with the cxomputer but I alsways used to obtain myne mails frfom my In Box - if that makes sense Richard


Question Author

thanks bookbinder b- i will tyry that, appreciated Richard

Let us know how you get on.

If you are still stuck, give us the following info

What does your email address end with (don't put your whole email address on here) eg. etc.


How do you get your emails - is it on the internet or is it by a picture/icon on your computer eg.

a blue open envelope (Windows Mail or Outlook)

a almost complete blue circle on a white background (Thunderbird)

a multi coloured G or M (Gmail)


Once we know that we can give more help.

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E Mails

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