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T W A U ......Why Do Some Get So Nasty And Angry?

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ToraToraTora | 20:02 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers's only meant to be a giggle at a silly answer.



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Ironically this is the one area where I agree with you entirely TTT. 

perhaps you need to post it in chatterbank

It could go back to being a giggle if the bluster was dialled back.

i dunno ttt why DO you get so nasty and angry in those posts? only you can answer that

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I never do I try to explain the intent.

why do you get so ratty about it if it's only a giggle?

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I don't, others do, I just try to explain.

no, you really do ...

Question Author I really don't I just try to explain. Examples then if you think that.

Are the big boys picking on you again?

I think intellectual snobbery is a most unpleasant trait. 

A lot of it is your pig-headed arrogance in accepting anyone else's mindset. If someone, often if many, try and explain why they can understand how a wrong answer has been made, you start harping on about your "superpower", which is fundamentally you saying whoever disagrees with you is thick.


Maybe Tora, just maybe, you're wrong sometimes.

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