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Good Morning Wednesday Birds,

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Smowball | 09:07 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

And how is everyone this morning.? Very grey and dark here, doesn't look like it's going to brighten much. My friend and his wife have gone on a weeks holiday to Montenegro - they arrived there yesterday- and he txt me earlier to tell me what it's like. He said it's not very Westernised- they don't have McDonalds or KFC lol. And they don't like to waste food at their hotel so they were offered salad and turkey for breakfast from last nights  dinner, rather than them throw it out. Waste not want not hey lol!  Not somewhere I've even considered visiting tbh.

if I didn't have work to do etc I could quite easily spend  the entire day in bed today just chilling out reading/on my iPad with endless cups of tea and just snuggled with my duvet.  When did you last have a 'Duvet day' , even if it was on the sofa??



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Morning all.  Our friends are very keen hikers (we used to do a lot of hiking together) and they had a fabulous hiking holiday in Montenegro.  

My head is all of a spin today, I have no appointments and no 'big' jobs to do so am tackling the 1001 little jobs - bits of paperwork, some phone calls, organsing stuff that is out of hand...

I'd rather have a 'big' job.  

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Morning Barry - I know exactly what you mean, it's the little jobs that take up all the time as they are the ones they keep getting put off. My wonderful MIL is the most organised, tidiest person I know and she swears by her 'lists', which she has now got me into lol. She always has a notepad/daily diary, and anything she wants doing she writes on relevant day, and then every single morning when she gets up she writes what she wants to do on that day, then ticks them off as they get done. Whatever doesn't get done gets written again on the following day to try again and do it. Much easier to manage a list when it's there in black and white lol.

Got to have lists or I'd be chasing my tail

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Yep, you can't beat a list lol!! Mine is long today.....

Were going out for the day but have put it off due to pouring rain.  Will  re-assess tomorrow.

Went to Montenegro when it  was part of Yugoslavia, glad to say our breakfasts were perfectly normal. Remember getting the boat to Dubrovnik which was a lovely city.



Mornin  all. My list for today is to sort out some paperwork, but I'm the master of procrastination. Its drizzling again here so will light the fire later.

Have a happy day everyone

Lists don't work for me - they just get longer and longer but nothing ever gets done (too busy doing other things which haven't made the list)

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Good Morning Wednesday Birds,

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