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Guardian Genius 256

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DandyDon | 00:02 Mon 14th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

I've completed the puzzle. Trying to submit the solution online brings up the message that:

"Sorry, this form is not open to new submissions.The deadline for entering this month's competition has now passed."

The deadline is 2 November!! Am I living in a time warp or has the Guardian screwed up again?




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Something has happened in the interim as I submitted mine with no problem last Tuesday!

I can only point you to the page they have for site problems -

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Question Author

Thanks Lie-in King. I've e-mailed [email protected] and await their response!

Good luck, DandyDon!  Let us know how you get on.

Question Author

Wednesday a.m. Problem solved. I'm now able to submit my solution! No acknowledgement from Guardian yet, but I'll not hold my breath!

Ah well, you got there in the end - good luck!

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Do you know the answer?

Guardian Genius 256

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