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6 Week Old Baby Being Sick Over An Hour After Feeding

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Pashha | 20:44 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
11 Answers

Just wondering when/if I should be concerned. Thought it might be reflux but everything I've read about that suggests vomiting should occur during or shortly afterwards. It's happening 3-4 of her 6 feeds.. she's formula fed. Any advise would be appreciated! Thank you.



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Are you burping her regularly during feeding ? This dispels any air which can cause quite a lot of vomiting if it builds-up.  Even burping them usually brings up a dribble.

Another cause may be an over-large hole in the nipple of the bottle.  Newborns suck hard and nipples are sold with smaller holes in the teats because of that.  If all that is being done then there must be another cause - but it sounds like too much air in the tum to me.

Is it gushing out -projectile vomiting?

ring 111 - don't mess about with amateurs on here.

It's not every feed, bhg.  But I would also think of ringing 111 tomorrow if this continues.

Has it just started today or has it been going on for a while? Is the baby's weight being tracked fairly regularly?

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She's putting weight on perfectly and it's only just started over the last couple of days. I burp her regularly. Shes a very good burper! I don't mind so much in the day but it worries me if it happens in the night which it did on one of her feeds last night :(

In that case, I assume that you are sleeping her on her side for safety?

Not projectile, regularly burped....? She could be just having an overloaded tummy - what about the size of holein the teat?

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NHS says to still put her to sleep on her back. The teat is still a size 1..

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And no, no projectile vomiting.. it looks like lots but in reality is only a few ml when it happens

If she is putting on weight, is well with no temperature, not grizzling or too quiet or sleepy  and her nappy is normal I wouldn't worry over much.

How old is she?

It is reflux, also known as posseting.


Google it.

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6 Week Old Baby Being Sick Over An Hour After Feeding

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