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Eating Out Alone

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barry1010 | 07:56 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
41 Answers

I'm happy enough to eat alone in a pub, café or hotel restaurant but would be reluctant to do so in a high end restaurant.

I'm fine with my own company but wouldn't know where to look if I were not next to a window nor how to occupy myself waiting to be served. 

I don't think twice about reading a paper or book, doing a crossword or looking at my phone in a pub or café - but not in a posh restaurant.

Do you enjoy eating alone in those circumstances?




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It's nice to different foods, things I don't eat at home, a treat is good for us, tamaris

I get lots of treats Barry. I was a caterer, and tbh I don't agree with the prices they charge for often small portions x

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Eating out is just going to get more and more expensive in many restaurants and cafés, sadly.  I can't understand people paying silly money for a coffee in a cardboard cup, to be fair I can't understand the popularity of Starbucks and the like.  

I'm fortunate I've never been in the position of having or wanting to eat, anywhere, alone. I think I'd be ok in a local cafe or coffee shop, possibly in a pub, but not in a restaurant.

For me, part of eating in a fancy restaurant is the shared experience, either with OH, family, or good friends. My absolute favourite thing to do as a real treat is having the tasting menu with wine pairing at a really, really good restaurant. The family know this so OH and I frequently get vouchers/bookings at places like that for birthday, mother day, Father's Day,or Christmas presents 😋🍽️🍷

I'm quite happy to do this.  Years ago when I was single, I used to nip to the local pub for dinner once a week where the landlord became quite protective of me (it was a regularly haunt for the local RAF base).  There was also a very high quality restaurant just up the road and every now and again I would treat myself there.  Now and again I have to stay away for work and whilst mainly I will order room service, every so often I force myself to eat in the restaurant so I am not just forking food into my mouth over a pile of papers and so I get a break. I also used to holiday alone in Scotland and regularly dined in some great places on my own.  

"I can't understand people paying silly money for a coffee in a cardboard cup,..."

Nor me, barry. But I don't mind paying for one in a proper cup & saucer. I will not darken the doors of any establishment that serves coffee in a paper cup. It must be a proper cup & saucer or I'll go without.

The sad fact is that a lot of places cannot be bothered to do any washing up. And an even sadder fact is that many of their customers put up with it.

 Costa and Starbucks sell coffee in proper cups, I had one today.

Paper cups annoy me because I drink my coffee black.  Consequently, I end up with 3rd degree burns on my fingers if I do not drink it straight away, which is impossible because the disgusting coffee flavour liquid inside is always volcanic.

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I know they do, the cups I've seen are quite shallow and wide so the coffee quickly goes cold, with silly little handles my fingers won't go through

I hate them too Barry, I think it's Costa which serve a small latte (my choice) in a tall, slim glass which I much prefer. I have a slightly wobbly left hand and those wide ones just slop everywhere.

Both of the coffee chains mentioned serve very nice, and lovely hot, coffee, in my opinion. I've had some rubbish lukewarm coffee in independent coffee places, at least you know what you're getting in a chain.

Suits us ☕️

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McDonalds do coffee for tightwads and it's fine.

Yes, no issue - when I was on expenses and business travelling, my crosswords etc to hand and I often found someone to have a chinwag with.

McDonald's coffee is really, really nice, and very reasonable. I'm not keen on their paper cups but will occasionally put up with them

When I had coffee in Costa or Starbucks - I can't remember which - it didn't come in 'proper' cups.  It came in wide shallowish buckets about a quarter of an inch thick.  Horrible.

You could paraphrase Carter and ask for it in a thin cup.

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That's the cups I meant, Naomi. I wanted to drink it, not blerdy swim in it.  Stupid little handles not meant for my paws

"Costa and Starbucks sell coffee in proper cups, I had one today."

Costa varies.

I have two Vostas in my High Street. One is inside a Tesco Extra store where they serve their coffee in proper cups. The other is a stand alone and only serves theirs in cardboard.


They seem to have done alright for themselves despite the odd complainant. Maybe the problem lies closer to home.

I`ve got my favourite places around the world where I have eaten alone.  I wouldn't do it in this country though because I don't need to.  If I had to, I wouldn't go to a pub alone and fine dining doesn't do anything for me (did that years ago) but I`d eat alone in a casual place in the UK if I had to. Not interested in coffee shops because I don't drink it.

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