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Eating Out Alone

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barry1010 | 07:56 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
47 Answers

I'm happy enough to eat alone in a pub, café or hotel restaurant but would be reluctant to do so in a high end restaurant.

I'm fine with my own company but wouldn't know where to look if I were not next to a window nor how to occupy myself waiting to be served. 

I don't think twice about reading a paper or book, doing a crossword or looking at my phone in a pub or café - but not in a posh restaurant.

Do you enjoy eating alone in those circumstances?




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Never had to fine dine, as I’m unworthy.

I don't drink in any of such coffee bars, one the stupid price, two they tend to employ young cheap labour that spend most of their time playing with their mobile phones behind the counter. If a paper cup is used then their mucky fingers are all over the rim of the cup, if a proper cup is used they seem to have no idea what the handle is for, so again their mucky fingers are all over the rim. I dread to think what muck is on the buttons of their phones.

All in all the above post is a little mucky. <:•)

"I don't drink in any of such coffee bars, one the stupid price, two they tend to employ young cheap labour that spend most of their time playing with their mobile phones behind the counter."

That's a bit of an unsubstantiated generalisation, nb.

The places I use are normally too busy for the staff to be playing with phones. And I must say that they are generally well run and the staff usually engaging and pleasant.

Of course there are exceptions but I think your generalisation is not accurate. 


Well NJ, you see what you see, I see what I see. Neither have they any idea how to clean the tables after use if at all.

I have been to places like NB describes, I just don't go back. There is a nice little cafe not far from me that I like to sit in and read with a coffee. There is a Spanish guy always there called Carlos. He does a great job and he gets a good tip!

Aye? Like 'don't eat the yellow snow'?

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