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"Leave My Organs Alone, I'm Not Dead Yet"

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Canary42 | 23:04 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | News
7 Answers

Surgeons too eager by half.  I think I'll cancel my organ donation card.





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let's get this done, I'm due on the golf course at 2.30...

Scary!  It would make a good horror film plot.

one of the people on the very distant branches of my family tree was emigrating to Salt Lake City in the 1840s but fell ill during an outbreak of cholera aboard ship and was declared dead. Just as he was about to be slid overboard his wife noticed his eyelids fluttering so the funeral was called off.

He was still very weak, though, so she had to haul the handcart from New Orleans to Utah herself.  And after a few years there he married another woman, like a good Mormon. They're all buried together, but I wonder if she ever asked herself why she'd bothered.

Dead god, I mean I know they're short of donors but even so.......

Big thing in the seventies when everything was taken Far More Seriously - the Beeb prog  - - are they really dead?

upshot the maker ( eletrophysiologist for chrissakes) was made to recant on video on the steps fo the Old Bailey

( wherein all the deaths in Hospital which were connected to Murder charges had been  appealed)

annd  yes they were


This sort of thing is the reason they are short of donors. I just don't trust the entire system.

Brian Jennett was the one who re-established the primacy of the brain stem tests. In the results' matrix, the box - dead and brain stem tests positive was 0. 

In the aftermath, he spoke of the waste of research money in (re) proving something everyone knew anyway.  - cost here of a few hundred thousand.

Selwyn Crawford made a similar point ( wasted research funds in reproving something everyone knew) in the case of nitrous oxide damaging fetuses under 26 weeks

very very technical - I dont expect the mods to give it much credit - far above, mod-level

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