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Reporting Rogue Text Messages

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naomi24 | 15:45 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | Technology
2 Answers

I got a message on my phone purporting to be from an Amazon driver asking me to contact him.  That has never happened before and the address looked iffy so I reported it as junk and deleted it.  I then got a message from a 'spam team' asking me to reply to them giving the address the original message came from - which I can't do because I've deleted the message.


I've reported rogue messages before and deleted them but I've never been asked to provide the spammer's details so my question is, when spam is reported does the original containing  details of the sender not go automatically to the 'spam team'?  

Or was the message from the 'spam team' spam too?


Totally perplexed.



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That's very odd because when you report spam your provider should get a copy of the message/email in full so will have access to those details.


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That's what I thought.  I did ignore it.  Thanks Barry.  I'll delete it now.

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