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Local Resolution

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nailedit | 13:21 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Law
10 Answers

A few weeks ago I was arrested for drunk and disorderly and common asault. I was bailed to be interviewed on a date when I would be in hospital for that week. Contacted solicitor the next day and left it with him to liase with police re: interview.


just received this email


//Dear ****,
Your Police Station Matter at Northern Area Custody Suite (Stoke)
We believe that your Police Station matter is now properly concluded by way of a local


1) This is the first that Ive heard of it.

2) Shouldnt the police have informed me?

3) What if I didnt agree to it?

4) What the hell does it even mean?

Does this go on my record or what?

What resolution are they on about etc?







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email from solicitor btw

i'd say it means a get out of jail free card. Don't knock it!

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3T, I'm far from knocking it 😁


Just not understanding a few things...

can you email the solicitor back and ask her?

when i had that to-do with my neighbour, i was offered a comminity resolution as an alternative to being charged.  However,i turneditdown as i didnt want to accept any liability

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//i was offered a comminity resolution as an alternative to being charged//

Thats what I dont get bednobs. I havnt been offered a choice.

Im not knocking it, If I'd been given a choice I would have taken it rather than face court again, especially now im trying to keep sober and wouldnt want the stress  but just a bit bewildered why the police havnt been in touch with me over it all?

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Wil probably nip down the solicitors office at some point.

perhaps the asaultee has told the police they are happy with an apology and they dont want to pursue it. The police have called that communty resolution, and it'l look good for the figures?

How are things now nailedit? Hope you are getting on well 

it is a way out - what  is  wrong with you  ?

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