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Very Sad News About A Prolific Olympian

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Toorak | 00:25 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | Sport
13 Answers


such an ambassador for his sport - very sad



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yes, that is sad, he seems like a nice guy.

Sad news indeed ...  an amazing champion from Scotland.

Kinda takes the wind out of the sails of us mere mortals when this stuff happens.

This mere mortal anyway.

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So very young too 🙁

I was just watching him  earlier commenting on the cycling world championship 

Just proves that none of us are immune to this terrible disease. No matter how fit we are.

Extremely sad news & I hope he's one of the lucky few that make it a good way past the prognosis.

That is sad news, I do wish him and his family all the best for the future days ahead.

Such a strong attitude when faced with such awful news ... what courage !

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He comes across as an extremely strong person but having to deal with this is at another level .....

I was literally reading this an hour ago. Said to myself that even with all his fitness, health,strength, age, it makes no odds when it comes to this dreadful disease. Hoping that he manages to beat it.

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I don"t think he can beat it smow - it's terminal apparently



It's terrible, and highlights the randomness of cancer.

Fit person, non smoker etc.

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