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Wordle October 20Th

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JJ109 | 23:21 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers

Good Morning!

Wordle 1,219 4/6


Commiserations to everyone that lost their streaks yesterday to an Americanism! However, congratulations to the "3" scorers, Me, Rockyracoon, Seekeerz, Hazlinny, Barry, Radagast, MargoTester and Haras2.



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Wordle 1,219 4/6





Morning JJ and all 🤗🐨



Wordle 1,219 4/6


Morning from 🇬🇧 


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Wordle 1,219 3/6


I wasn't sure if that was the right spelling either, but it must be.

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I think after recent games it's called American-English for a reason... so they can pass that spelling bee game the ceptics are found of 😉

Wordle 1,219 4/6


Wordle 1,219 5/6


Wordle 1,219 3/6


Wordle 1,219 5/6


Wordle 1,219 3/6


Wordle 1,219 4/6


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Wordle October 20Th

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