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Good Morning Sunday Birds.

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Smowball | 09:38 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Not too bad a morning here so far- the sun is trying to come out. Nothing major lined up, just pottering doing lots of little jobs. My right eye has a lovely black eye coming out, and for those that missed what I did yesterday - I opened the fridge to get something on the very top shelf, and as I pulled the storage tray out to grab said item a full can of lager that was on shelf on its side shot forward off the shelf, started to fall and hit me smack in the face! Well my entire right eye to be exact. Must have looked like a Benny Hill sketch !! All I can say is - ouch!! : (



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Good Morning Smow. It's blowing up to a gale here, accompanied by rain.  

I too have an ouch!! item - one of the two jabs (the flu one) I had yesterday is quite painful. I think it's because I slept on that side last night.

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Morning Canary.Yes , it probably will hurt if you've laid on it - should hopefully ease off after an hour or so x

Morning all, hope your eye is not too painful Smow.  I keep my beers on top shelf of fridge too but wife can't reach that shelf without steps.  Been raining here since I got up at 5.30 and not stopped yet, think it started when I went to bed.  Grass needs cutting but to wet to walk on without sinking into it.

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Morning tsm lol, yes I spoke too soon re the weather - it's now grey, dark and pouring with rain! 

Good morning,  if you need to go out you could always put an eye patch over it!!!  Serously sounds very painful but might have been a lot worse.

Shedman, your wife needs to carry a kick stool around with her, I feel as if I have one in my hand most of the time at the moment.  Threatened to buy one for every room.

Absolutely tipping it down here so will not be venturing out. 2 bedraggled delivery men have just delivered new tumble drier, poor blokes lugged it up our very long front steps and their faces dropped when we told them they had to carry it up another flight, it is an upside down house.

We keep a set of steps next to the fridge just in case she needs to get something from top shelf or cupboards in kitchen.  Sometimes she will ask me or one of the grand children to get things down for her.

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Morning ubasses. Yes I'm trying to laugh as I am the most accident prone person ever, but yes it could have been much worse! 

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Good Morning Sunday Birds.

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