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HFJL2020 | 21:37 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | Animals & Nature
19 Answers

is  it  true  that  horses  have  an  iq  of  200



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So it said in a gallop poll.

No, it's not. Who told you that?

Only in groups of 10.

Have you ever met a horse? 

Only a foal would believe that 😀


Lol @ Doug!...🤣

This article says that horses have the intelligence of "a three-year-old kid".

They might be more intelligent than many; no horse has ever been stupid enough to bet on a horse race.

'A three year old kid' is a fully grown goat.

How much more rubbish will they trot out?

I think that 200 figure is missing a decimal point.

Of course it's true.  If only horses had opposing thumbs, they would conquer the world.  

Well i've never seen any horses on University Challenge.

That's only because they won't fit in those little boxes the contestants sit in

They certainly can't get up the stairs onto the top row.

I was walking by a field when a horse trotted up to the fence and said, "Hey, i won Mastermind last year."

Obviously i thought i was hallucinating. Apart from Mister Ed, i'd never heard of a talking horse. So i hurried along.

The horse caught up with me and said, "Hey, did you hear me? I won Mastermind last year."

Again i hurried along the fence when i saw the farmer driving a tractor in an adjoining field. I raced over and flagged him down. "Excuse me," i said, breathlessly, "but did you know that horse can speak?"

The farmer looked over at the horse - which was now chewing grass nonchalantly - and said, "That horse, there?"

I nodded. "What did he say?" he asked.

"He said he won Mastermind, last year," i replied.

The farmer shook his head. "Well he's a bloody liar, he never got past the audition."


🤣 Where did you whip that one from, Ken! lol

It was originally a Grand National joke with the horse claiming to have won the great race, but the farmer retorting that it had either fallen at the first or finished down the field.



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