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U S Arabs Voting For The Don, Who'd Have Thunk It?

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ToraToraTora | 10:33 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 | News
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The problem is the US voters have the same problem as here.  No one decent to vote for so they are going for what they see as the less worst.  Harris is appualing and many dont like the way she was put forward with no vote, they also look to what her achievements in Gov were: None.  They see Trump at least held a good economy (until COVID) and started no wars.

Sad state of affairs really.

it's not that mysterious. it is a protest vote and an understandable one because harris does not oppose the genocide of palestinians. 

it's not very wise because trump also supports it... US voters who wish for their government to put an end to the gaza war (of which there are millions) have nobody to vote for

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untitled: "It's not that mysterious. it is a protest vote and an understandable one because harris does not oppose the genocide of palestinians. " - Can you look up what genocide means your continued errors on this are an embarassment.

the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the intention of destroying it

Is their a word which means driving people from their land and occupying it, in other words, destroying a country.

Ask Hamas, atheist.  That's their declared intention.

There is only one religion dedicated to destroying a Nation.  And its not Israel or the Jews.

People may disagree with what the IDF (and Israel) are doing but genocide it aint and by keeping using the term they are looking more foolish by the day.

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U S Arabs Voting For The Don, Who'd Have Thunk It?

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