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Subscription Paid To Us Company By Continuous Payment Authority Problem

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barry1010 | 17:51 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 | Business & Finance
14 Answers

For the past four years I have been paying a monthly subscription to a US company and it has been problem free until recently.  

I have been paying £11 a month but a few months ago they started taking £14 a month with no notice.  Every month I emailed them; every time they apologised and refunded the £3 immediately, promising to resolve it.

This month I emailed them again and they are refusing to refund.  This is the reply, "We will be unable to do partial refunds moving forward. We are removing the exchange rate and keeping it a flat rate for members in certain countries. We apologize for the inconvenience. We're unable to process any refund for the currency rate change. Moving forward this is the set fee."

People in the US pay $14 a month, I will now be paying over $17 a month.

Unfortunately I don't have a choice of provided.  

I was not notified of this change.  Is there anything I can do?



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Cancel your subscription.

Does the contract allow them to ever change the rate? Presumably there are terms as to how much notice you need to give if you wish to unsubscribe.

Question Author

I can't cancel as there is not an alternative provider.

I don't recall seeing a contract, I will have to dig it out.

Ask them to provide a copy of the contract you entered into when you began the subscription.


Question Author

Will do

Barry. What have you been paying for?

Question Author

That's irrelevant 

International man of mystery, right there. 😄

what are they providing that there is no alternative provider?

Is it cheaper if you pay it annually?

The service being provided is not relevant to the question.

If BARRY chooses not to say what it is, that's his choice so leave it at that.

just cancel it and find another provider. There WILL be an alternative.

If there really is no alternative and it's a product or service you really need then perhaps you are fortunate that they haven't taken advantage and doubled or trebled the price.

Question Author

That's what I'm thinking, newmodarmy.

There really is no alternative 

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Subscription Paid To Us Company By Continuous Payment Authority Problem

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