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What Constitutes "Extreme" Wealth?

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ToraToraTora | 21:02 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 | News
28 Answers

another genius Labour green eyed monster idea.



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YMB: I guess they reckon they're comfortably off (although they never seem to stop trying to get richer) and so they should be - they do work hard.

Having and bragging about owning a jag 😉

What about owning an Audi Q8 Mozz?

Depends Ynna. Do you drive it around your estate in a wax coat and hunting boots?

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Ah yes, wealth creates wealth; the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

The rich getting richer doesn't make the poor poorer, hymie.  Without the rich the poor would be poorer because the rich create the jobs.  Chase the rich away abd with them goes prosperity for all.  

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What Constitutes "Extreme" Wealth?

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