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How Do Touch Screens Work?

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sandyRoe | 10:36 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 | Technology
11 Answers

In layman's terms, please.



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Static electricity inherent in organic matter (your finger) distorts the screen on the phone and software is used to calculate the coordintes of where it touched. It also works using a sausage.

The screen is coated with a thin layer of material that creates an electronic field.

When it is touched it disrupts the field and the screen reacts. 


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Thank you, both

Where can I access these sausages with screens?

Gregs doug.

There are in fact two types of capacitance touch screen(mainly)in everyday use. Large screens(ATMs & larger pc monitors) use surface capacitance and smaller screens(mobile phones and tablets) and smaller screens use projected capacitance screens. There are also resistive touchscreens that require a stylus and more pressure on the screen to work. These are mainly used in industry because they are hardier and cheaper to make. Interesting question that is a huge subject in terms of learning and development. Love it.,touchscreen%20responds%20so%20differently%20is%

I am using a 22inch touch screen monitor for my desktop and am never going back to anything less. I am considering a 50inch for my Santa wish list. Probably the best upgrade I have done on my old desktop, and I have done a few. 

// It also works using a sausage.//

Careful what you tell the children TTT. You know what they are like. Be trying it with all sorts of "appendages" now. 🤣

I detest the touch screen at the self-serive ticket machine at the station - many times it fails to respond, usually after I've already navigated several screens to get there.  I once called a passing station staff over and she, with a scornful expression, set out to show me - I laughed when it failed at the same point and she resorted to the then unmanned ticket office and got me a ticket there.

That won't be the screen they either work or they don't. It will be the rail "service" system being as fit for purpose as their trains. 

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