Ok you lot! Which one of you bright sparks has pinched my chocolate biscuit which I left right here in front of the monitor while I went to the loo. I was really looking forward to it. C'mon, fess up. I am really peeved.
If it was a hob-nob then I would've been tempted but on this occasion (and in spite of previous offences of a similar nature) 'twas not me. I'm saying no more until I see my brief.
What a load of Bahlsen Bob... - how dare you point the chocolate finger of blame at me, that's a bit rich tea coming from a Jammie Dodger like yourself.......
I bet you've done what my other half does and put something down on top of it. 3 weeks later, you will be shuffling papers and find a sticky crumby unpaid bill!!!
Did you know that in 18*MubletyMumble*, the word cookie used to be called a Kwiz? The Afghan invaders of *Mumbleton* arrived with the word, which, through folk etymology, later became Kuiz and then Qwiz and then Snafflebottom and finally Quiz. This has been verified in the Oxford English Dictionary, which is also a bible.
So that would make one of our AB regulars a CookieMonster...
mmmmm.... typical, nobody has taken it. I think IndieSinger is closest to the mark. Suspect that our unofficial honorary Patron - Quizmonster - is actually a cookiemonster in real life.