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ToraToraTora | 09:47 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | News
15 Answers

well done now ban all the fruit flavours and make them illegal in all public place same as smoking. Also make them prescription only for those trying to give up smoking, the only valid use.



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Non-disposable need banning too.

Took long enough to clamp down on smoking in public, that they then allowed vaping so the unethical could make a fast buck and cause a return of what was essentially the same issue, was ridiculous.

Police state... Nanny state... Freeeeeedom...

Perhaps they'll try to ban alcohol soon. Huge cost to the NHS and police forces, not to mention blameless victims.


Smoking and vaping are not the same issue OG. None throw away vapes, and throw away vapes are also a different issue.

They are the same both in that they affect health and in the way they make the area around them unpleasant for others. There's no reason to try to generate an image of difference.

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10:41 they are the same in terms of annoyance. They stink to high heaven like smoking does and invade peoples lungs without their permission. There is no use for vapes beyond the aid to stopping smoking. They should be available only on prescription.

There is no solid evidence that vaping is bad for ones health, not yet ?

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10:46 I'll give you the same answer as I give 10cs when he persists with this BS. I don't care if it's harmless, I don't want to breath in your aerial detritus, end of.

Claims from research appear in the news from time to time though. At what point is it considered solid evidence ? How long did it take for tobacco smoking's health issues to be accepted ?

I haven't noticed a smell from vapes, but I do avoid the clouds of vapour they produce. I doubt if there's enough nicotine to cause addiction to non-vapers. There is no tar or CO in the vapour, so not as dangerous to health as tobacco smoke.

Nicotine is strongly addictive, and I think the deliberate targetting of children by using bright packaging and fruity flavours shoud be stopped. Cigarettes have had their packaging and display restricted, and menthol banned, so it can be done.


nicebloke1 - There is plenty of evidence that vaping is harmful to the lungs of young people (see; popcorn lung, etc) and they have taken it up as a thing to do rather than as an aid to give up smoking.

Many people get annoyed about people who chew gum, then spit it out onto the pavement costing councils money to remove it, dogs still foul pavements that stinks and annoys people. Old cars still pump out stinking fumes, the list goes on. The whole idea of banning throw away vapes is an attempt to stop young people starting and to stop the polution of these vapes being disgarded onto the ground ( very much like the chewing gum problem) and the dog mess.

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10:57 yeah but no one is forcing spent gum and dog poop into my lungs are they?

The fumes from dog poo and old cars can get into your lungs very much like a covid virus. Dog poo like any other poo is packed full of many a virus, also spent chewing gum.

i find it very hard to believe those things are harmless and the litter from the disposable ones is a nuisance. nip it in the bud now before it gets much worse. 

its obvious these were aimed at children with alol the weird and "wonderful" flavours.

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