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What Did Your Parents Do Which Was Cultural Normal At The Time Yet Wrong These Days?

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bluefortress | 19:43 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
45 Answers

I was slapped in the face, around the head and I remember my dad getting me on the floor and sitting on me for 10 mins till I felt caustaphobic  and couldnt breath. He was half laughing. I would swear and shout at him but he wouldn't get off and would start tapping my mouth instead with his hand 

Depsite this my parents would generally be considered good and it was the 90's so it was within cultural norms. 



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That's what my mother used to tell me, OG - her mother probably told her the same

I think a problem nowadays is that we are in the "information" age and children get too much stuff thrown at them too soon which isn't good for their mental well-being.

As a child I don't ever remember reading a newspaper or listening to the news on radio. We got a TV when I was about 10 which was probably the first time I became aware of the wider world in a sociological/political sense.

You've made a good point there, Dave.  I well remember my daughter coming home from school in a very distressed state because she thought her mother and I  were about to die horrible deaths.  She had been given an anti-smoking lesson. 

Children do take things to heart and get things out of proportion

So you're bragging about your parents parenting ability and your own?

no latchkey kids werent looked on as the  best brought up 

Oh, playing unsupervised - 90% did that in my childhood and now it is down to 10% ( adult skulking somewhere)

and.... speaking to young children  without another adult present. I wd not dream of doing that now

Children do take things to heart and get things out of proportion

God getting a child to listen and retain for 5 mins ( besides Taylor Swifts latest dance routine of course) is nothing short of a miracle

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