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Totally Uninteresting Title, But Tommy Robinson

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Clone | 16:39 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
17 Answers


I wanted a different title but chief mod an interference officer-in-chief would no doubt have closed the thread for it not meeting and passing his forensic inspection



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He's on terrorism charges for refusing to give police his phone PIN number?  How does that work?

Exactly naomi, does this mean that every criminal refusing to give their pin number will be charged with terrorism offences

If they refuse to comply with police searches under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 I imagine so.

Why terrorism though? Why not something like impeding police investigations?  

He refuses to give plod this phone pin number, so that they can plant images or script on it, then in anger they charge him with terrorism after warping the Patriot Act to gain access anyway. I know who the patriot is here and who is conducting a terror campaign. 2 tier judgements in evidence once again. Mind you he is perhaps better off locked up this weekend. They won't be able to charge him with causing a riot will they. That will be their responsibility. Mind How You Go.   

This two tier state policing is an infringement of the very basics of the Magna Carta, so I am told.

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Unions are drumming up their far-lefties to go and counter-protest tomorrow to make sure there is trouble.

We all know who will shoulder the blame.

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I wouldn't be happy if that's how my fees were spent.


\\If they refuse to comply with police searches under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 I imagine so.//

So they can charge anyone with the terrorism act, even drug dealers, burglars, protesters all to get them to ipen their phone.

They confirmed the charge was in relation to an incident in Folkestone, that took place on Sunday 28 Ju


Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 provides police officers with unique powers to examine people who pass through the UK’s borders. But they only use it to harass people who are concerned about people who pass through Uk borders illegally. How many of the boat people have had their phones confiscated and been asked for the pin? Answers on a pin head to ...    

exactly ^

Meanwhile in a parallel universe somewhere near you the planned court date at Liverpool Crown Court for the alleged Southport attack knifeman, Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, has not been kept, leading to questions over why this important and widely discussed trial has apparently been delayed, and why this development has come without comment from the prosecutor and government alike. 2 tier policing, court system, and reporting. Mind how you go. 

well  the good news - The Patriot Act doesnt exist in English Law - the look alike is Counter Terrorism

and the other good news is that electronic surveillance is NOT mentioned in the 1215 Magna Carta ( Plato's republic DOES mention the secret one ( kruptaia) reporting  to the Great and Good)

other than that I cant see much wrong with  the posts so  far.

and yes I think it will  be more and  more common that the police want to know  what is on your phone ( as part of an investigation).

Look on your phone as a public document for chrissakes - or use a burner

This is quite good,other%20devices%20such%20as%20computers.

and makes sense so probably unsuitable for  this thread

Theres 30,000 Muslims on the terrorist watch list.

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Totally Uninteresting Title, But Tommy Robinson

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