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Olympics - A New Single Thread For The Remainder Of The Games For Results And Chat

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Raving-Mod | 00:32 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Sport
8 Answers

Rather than posting a new Olympics thread for each day, this will be the only one for the remainder of the Games which end on the 11th August. 

Other than asking the Ed to make this a Sticky for now, nothing else has changed.    

There will be spoilers and results, so if you don't want to know how well or badly we've done, be strong and DON'T LOOK!



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Thanks, Raving-Mod. 

what is the tiny white car that runs up and down the grass in the sports stadium

It's used to carry the discuss/hammer/javelin back to the throwing area.


"How well or badly ^we've^ done.

Who is we?

All i´ve got to say what an athlete Lebron James is!!

Thank You


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Olympics - A New Single Thread For The Remainder Of The Games For Results And Chat

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