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What Is A Woman?

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mushroom25 | 07:06 Tue 26th Nov 2024 | News
70 Answers

we are supposed to be finding out the answer today -

although, what's the betting the learned m'luds fudge the issue?



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freak 1



1. A thing or occurrence that is markedly unusual or irregular: A freak of nature produced the midsummer snow.

The thing is however people who have such issues think of themselves, they are not women and never will be.  Society should not be changing, and in the process demeaning real women, to accommodate their foibles.  


Yes, douglas, but there's nothing in a name and I still have my doubts.  

Bless. x

True gender dysphoria is rare, most of the cases we see are pathetic innadequate men that have discovered that society is stupid enough to indulge their fantasies. They can pretend to women and compete with women in sports and/or perve around them in whatever way they can get away with all with approval and complicity of our raving mad trobiscite wokery. The sad thing is that the very few real cases are being wronged here along with the innevitable female victims.

One can not force individuals to think as the majority of society would like, but extreme views can be sufficiently disapproved of that they are kept private. That is the start of reconciling any extremes. (And may help avoid passing toxic views on to future generations.)


The other move is for those individuals who have gender dysmorphia to accept that, that is the situation, and not try to fool others by claiming to be the sex they aren't; but instead be open and honest to the rest of society. (Deceit isn't really a right, is it ? A discussion for another time maybe.) But back to the subject, most people can understand difference between individuals (especially if brought up to be a decent human being) even if it about something they don't much like.


The only remaining issue I can think of is whether either/both sexes are happy to ignore an individual using their facilities, despite not qualifying, as long as they behave themselves, or whether either/both see it as an unacceptable intrusion and that individual needs to plan in advance for other arrangements. That may be a sticking point.


I can't see a government (or commercial) budget being justified to spend a fortune on, for example, seperate toilets/changing rooms/whatever for the very few m->f and f->m individuals genuinely needing them; although one might be able to justify walling off a small area in each for such use.


I think common sense tells us transgender dysmorphia folk (or any others for that matter) picking up unfair advantages in such things as sport, simply isn't on. If you can't compete, or whatever, as your genuine sex, then find something else to do instead. (I leave it to the experts to come up with inclusion/exclusion rules/guidelines.)


That's probably enough of me rabbiting on for now,

my mother was,my father was not

TTT 10.58.  You seem to have understood my post at 20.22 on 26/11.

How can the problem of genuine gender dysmorphia be handled?  As I stated, H won a cycle race in a 'Gender Undisclosed' category. Perhaps this is the way to go and leave women  and men with their own achievements.

I don't think that would be acceptable to the majority, jourdain - the men who insist they are women and insist that everyone else treats them as such.  They want to be regarded as women - but they're not.

Jourdain2 - At the risk of sounding heartless, your H obviously had unresolved mental-health issues at the time of her death. Something which surgery had not managed to help with.

I think there ought to be a better mental-support network available to those with 'genuine' gender dysphoria (a vanishingly small number). It is no coincidence that the majority of FtM transitions are women who are autistic or have been sexually abused.

The majority of MtF transitions are porn-soaked men who have managed to drive themselves sexually-insane. 

They are, in the main, physically intact males who have no business trying to invade womens' spaces/places/races.

"It is no coincidence that the majority of FtM transitions are women who are autistic or have been sexually abused.

The majority of MtF transitions are porn-soaked men who have managed to drive themselves sexually-insane."

do you have any proof for this jackthehat?

There's no proof for any of it, we are just expected to believe and accept without question, that's why the whole thing has exploded.


I have read oodles of properly researched stuff about this subject. It's all out there and available for those interested.


ok but specifically on the assertions above?


 There was a song in My Fair Lady;  'Why Can't a Woman be More Like a Man ?' (A Hymn to Him)

Why can't a woman be more like a man?
Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;
Eternally noble, historic'ly fair;
Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat.
Well, why can't a woman be like that?




Once upon a time, boys were boys and girls were girls.

virginibus puerisque canto ("I sing to maids and youths").


anything in particular you'd like to share jack? so that we can all be as knowledgable as you of course.

Not my job to educate others, untitled. Especially when their own agendas are so apparent...

It is not now, never has been and never will be possible to change sex. And it shouldn't need any pronouncements by the judiciary to define what a woman is.

17:35 bang on.

i think it's a perfectly reasonable question to ask for evidence that "the majority of FtM transitions are women who are autistic or have been sexually abused" or that "The majority of MtF transitions are porn-soaked men who have managed to drive themselves sexually-insane"

those don't sound like terribly scientific opinions to me... in fact they sound rather like personal prejudices

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